Lee-Ann Butler


Lee-Ann works as a Manager in our Norwich office.  She graduated from Fanshawe College in 1985 with a diploma in Business Accounting.  She earned her Certified General Accountant designation in 1999.  Lee-Ann’s favourite part of her workday is working with clients, problem-solving, and training staff.  She figures she must love the work because she’s been working in public accounting for the better part of 37 years, and even after she has taken a break from it she always finds her way back.

Lee-Ann is married with two grown kids, daughter-in-law, and one grandson.  She has four dogs, 4 cats, and regularly babysits her grandson’s guinea pig.  In her spare time she can be found watching her grandson at the pool or the soccer field, or at the arena watching her son play hockey.  She also enjoys relaxing at the trailer, reading, and crafting with her Cricut.

Contact Lee-Ann Butler

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4 Stover Street South, Norwich, ON N0J 1P0, Canada

Monday to Friday: 9:00am to 4:00pm

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