Tax Planning

Proactive tax planning sets us apart and brings value to clients. Annual meetings and standalone services available for big decisions. Focuses on future expectations and big picture goals.

Tax Planning

While financial statements and tax returns are at the heart of what we do, what really separates us and brings value to our clients is proactive tax planning. At TGA, we pride ourselves on including these services by default, focusing on the planning aspects of your year-end when meeting with you, rather than just the numbers as they are. All of our financial statement and tax returns reflect our discussion with you about the expectations for the future, the unknowns, and your big picture goals. 

While this is a standard practice for all of our clients on an annual basis, we do also offer tax planning as a service on its own. For example, if you have a specific transaction or idea in mind it can be beneficial to have a meeting specifically to discuss those items prior to executing, so that you are armed with the knowledge you need as you begin the process. This is often the case for significant decisions such as large investments, forecasts for the future, succession and retirement planning and structural changes to the ownership of your business.

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